Um einen bessereren, und vor allem einfacheren, Überblick über die verwendeten Web Analyse Tools zu bekommen gibt es eine schöne Lösung. Sie können sich natürlich von jeder Seite auf der Sie gerade surfen den Quelltext ansehen und dort nach eindeutigen Begriffen suchen (bspw. analytics, track, etc.).
Diese Möglichkeit ist eher umständlich und zeitraubend.
Dank des passionierten Web Analysten Stéphane Hamel aus Québec (Kanada) gibt es eine hilfreiche Firefox Extension: WASP (Web Analytics Solution Profiler). Dieses Tool zeigt in der unteren Browser-Statuszeile an, welches Web Analyse Tool (oder welche Web Analyse Tools) auf der Seite eingebaut ist auf der man sich gerade befindet - siehe Screenshot (Click zum vergrößern):

Zudem kann man sich auch noch eine Sidebar einzeigen lassen, die einem noch detailliertere Informationen bietet (Cookies, etc.):

In der neuen Versin von WASP sind nun 55 verschiedene Web Analytics Tools enthalten. Neben Google Analytics und den allseits bekannten Tools sind auch mehrere kleinere vertreten.
Da der deutsche Markt in der alten Version bisher nicht richtig dabei war hatte ich Stéphane gebeten auch eTracker mit zuzufügen. Dies ist nun auch geschehen. Wenn noch weitere Web Analyse Tools identifiziert werden sollen kann man Vorschläge für die nächste Version machen - alternativ gern auch über die Kommentarfunktion meines Blogs und ich gebe die Informationen dann gesammelt weiter.
Danke für den Hinweis. Das Tool ist hilfreich.
AntwortenLöschenHow can i remove windows xp from my laptop and reinstall windows Me -the laptops first software?
AntwortenLöschenI suffer with recently bought a acquainted with laptop that is old. The person I had bought it from had installed windows xp on it, regular for all that it originally came with windows Me. I want to remove the windows xp because it runs slows on the laptop because it takes up more tribute than the windows Me would. Also I paucity to remove windows xp because it is an illegal copy. So when I tried to hop to it updates on it, windows would not set up updates because the windows xp is not genuine. [URL=]aesthetic dentistry san francisco[/URL]
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Benign prostatic hyperplasia, commonly known as BPH, is an enlargement of the prostate area. It is more profuse in older men. As men are fetching more educated about strength issues, they rig out to medical treatment in behalf of BPH. Dutas, a generic form of Avodart([URL=]avodart package insert[/URL] [URL=]how long do you take avodart[/URL] [URL=]avodart review[/URL] [URL=]treating baldness with avodart[/URL] [URL=]breast are tender with avodart[/URL] ), has been proven as an functional treatment of BPH. BPH and its symptoms that adversely assume the quality of lifestyle can be treated successfully at near Dutas. The essential foretoken evidence of BPH is the frequency of essential to urinate. This occurs as usual at evening but then progresses to the necessary to urine again entirely the day. BPH sufferers later on tell of a reduction in aptitude in urine stream. Inconvenience accompanies this reduction. A medical doctor should supervision testing to determine if BPH is the grounds of the symptoms. The effectiveness of Dutas is start in the chemical compound Dutasteride. This running ingredient is an alpha-reductase 5 inhibitor which impedes the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is considered a telling form of testosterone. BPH symptoms vanish in a minute the conversion is interrupted. Dutas has been organize to be junk in BPH towards tons sufferers. Prescriptions finasteride and finasteride has been shown to at best inhibit a person isoform of alpha redictase 5. It has been established that Dutasteride has been proven to impede two isoforms. Dutas clearly appears to provide the superlative treatment available as a service to BPH. Dutas make be entranced as directed with some precautions. Erectile dysfunction and decreased sexy libido are the most commonly reported side effects during use of Dutas. Gynecomastia or enlargement of virile boob conglomeration is another feasible side effect. Additionally, women who are suggestive or women wanting to appropriate for pregnant should not be exposed to Dutas; developing male fetuses can be adversely afflicted not later than these inhibitors. Dutas can be immersed wholly the skin so special dolour should be exercised concerning enceinte women or women second-rate to be proper pregnant. Another side impression of Dutas is a uncontested one. Some men have reported braids replenishment while fetching Dutas. BPH can be treated through discussing medications and plausible side effects with a medical professional. Dutas can specify competent treatment of BPH. A worry-free, quick way of life is justly quality the effort.
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